Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No texting

From Oregonlive.com, "Under pressure, TriMet gets tough with operators on cell phones"

The general manager of TriMet said Thursday that bus and train operators caught texting or talking on their cell phones while on the job face immediate termination as of Jan. 1.

Prompted by an Oregonian investigation into distracted driving by TriMet operators, Fred Hansen announced the stiff new disciplinary policy in a letter to employees. It goes into effect the same day as Oregon’s statewide ban on using handheld mobile devices while driving.

“Compromising safety and distracted driving is not worth the risk,” Hansen wrote.

In the past two years, TriMet has fielded more than 530 complaints from riders and other motorists about operators talking, texting and even playing games on their cell phones while driving, according to records obtained by the newspaper.

During that time, however, only two drivers — including one in recent weeks — have been disciplined for violating the agency’s ban on using cell phones while driving.

Until recently, TriMet gave operators a pass on such complaints until they had received more than three. And while most buses and trains are wired with multiple surveillance cameras, none record driver actions, making it hard to prove violations.

“Without video or pictures,” said Josh Collins, manager of communications at TriMet, “it can make it hard to get past ‘he said, she said.’¤”

As of Jan. 1, Oregon motorists caught talking or texting on handheld mobile device while driving risk a $90 ticket. Washington already has such a ban. The only exemption: Professional drivers in an emergency.

During an investigation scheduled to be published in this week’s Sunday Oregonian, it became clear TriMet hasn’t given the new Oregon law much consideration.

Initially, the agency insisted its drivers may even be exempt from being pulled over by police.

But after further questioning, Hansen shifted from a reluctance to change disciplinary policy to pledging that any TriMet operator found guilty of violating the new law would be fired.

TriMet already requires the devices to be stowed away in a bag or pocket. Drivers aren’t allowed to pull them out and use them until they’re stopped for a layover break. “The policy is very clear,” Hansen said.

Still, judging from the more than 530 complaints fielded by TriMet customer service dispatchers since September 2007, many drivers aren’t bothering with that precaution.

According to the complaints, drivers have been so distracted by their phones that they missed stops, ran red lights, weaved, waved people onboard without checking fares, hit street fixtures and nearly hit pedestrians.

TriMet also said one operator hit a vehicle while using his cell phone, although it was a minor crash.

The agency currently uses “progressive discipline” with operators, counseling them and giving them written reprimands in attempt to correct the problem. But as driving while texting and talking moves from a TriMet violation to an illegal activity, Hansen said the behavior will become one of the agency’s “deadly sins”

In a phone interview Thursday night, Hansen said there’s a strong possibility the Amalgamated Transit Union 757 might file a protest. But as director of the agency, Hansen said he has the authority to initiate policies that protect public safety.

“There is solid research as to why driving while distracted is a serious issue,” he said in his letter to employees, citing a recent Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study showing motorists using cell phones are as likely to cause an accident as someone with a .08 blood alcohol content.

He also noted that TriMet policy, unlike the new Oregon law, will continue to ban hands-free cell phone conversations.

“TriMet’s policy goes further than the law,” he wrote, “since we do not allow either handheld or hands free cell phone usage.”

1 comment:

  1. I know the danger of reading text messages while driving. I drive safely and use mobile application of http://www.drivesafe.ly/ to listen to messages instead of reading them.
